June is National Safety Month. Have you thought about ordering custom challenge coins for your workplace? A custom challenge coin can help reduce accidents by serving as a reminder to your employees to be cautious. The memento can be customized with a message that encourages others to be aware of their surroundings and to take precautions whenever handling dangerous substances, operating a motor vehicle or heavy machinery, and dealing with sharp instruments.
Custom challenge coins can be handed out throughout the month of June as a way of promoting National Safety Month. You can host a luncheon and present all of your employees with a custom coin after the meal is served. This will let your workers know that you value them and also provide them with a reminder to be safe. They can take their challenge coin out of their pocket and read the message imprinted on it.
Challenge coins for safety initiatives can be customized in the following ways. You can:
- Have your coins cut to shape.
- Include a bottle opener mechanism in them.
- Create pendants out of the coins.
- Attach them to key rings so that they can be carried easily.
- Have them dual plated.
- Have them sequentially numbered.
- Include a 3D image on your coins.
Promote safety in your workplace. Create custom challenge coins to hand out today. Visit https://signaturecoins.com/ to request a free price quote. You can also request your complimentary digital proof by speaking to a representative at 1-800-953-3607 toll-free or emailing info@signaturecoins.com. We can suggest ways to make your custom challenge coins stand out.