On behalf of Signature Coins, we want you to have a safe Memorial Day. We know how important it is for you to be able to share this time with your family. We also know that this is a time for remembrance and reflection.
As a challenge coin manufacturer, we can honor any requests you might have for Memorial Day themed products. You just have to let us know the details and how soon you need them by. Obtaining this information is the first step in the coin creation process. Once we have this information, our talented team of designers can start working on your artwork.
We can include whatever photograph or emblem that you want on your remembrance challenge coins. We can even customize the edges in whatever way that you see fit. You help us determine this once we have sent you your free digital proof. Look it over and submit your revisions to us. Once you have approved the artwork, we are ready to move onto the manufacturing process.
Although it is too late to order challenge coins for this Memorial Day, consider getting ready for next year by submitting your design ideas to us one of three ways. You can request a free quote through our website, call 1-800-953-3607 toll-free or email info@signaturecoins.com. We work with you to get the design done perfectly the first time. That's what sets us apart from other challenge coin companies. We put our customers first.
Honoring our loved ones in a memorable way is an important part of our history. Let Signature Coins be the one you call whenever you need memorial or remembrance service memorabilia. We will be more than happy to fulfill your request as it brings us great pride to celebrate Memorial Day and honor those individuals that made their impact on the world while they were alive.