Irish Challenge Coins
Love, Loyalty, and Friendship

A long time ago, a young man from the village of Claddagh was captured by pirates while fishing on the sea. He left behind his love and was sold into slavery. Years passed and the young man waited for his chance to return home. He worked in a goldsmith shop and stole tiny flecks of the precious metal whenever he could. Eventually, he had acquired enough gold to fashion a ring for the girl he left behind years before.
When he finally managed to find his way home, the man, no longer young, found his love waiting for him to return. The gold ring was placed on her finger, and they lived the rest of their days as best friends in love, loyal to the end.
So goes the legend of the famous Claddagh ring. Ireland is home to more than 5,000 years of amazing history and evolved culture. The Claddagh ring is the incarnation of the Nation’s heritage and most sacred values of love, loyalty, and friendship.
The heart in the center of the ring represents love. The crown is loyalty. The hands represent friendship and cradle the heart, just as friendship is the cradle for any powerful love. There are few symbols that capture the character of Ireland as well as the Claddagh ring.
Irish challenge coins are handcrafted in the spirit of Ireland’s history, values, and culture. Each is a small piece of the island’s heritage pressed into metal and shared with family, friends, and loved ones. Just as the Claddagh ring is a cherished part of Ireland’s identity, so too are Irish challenge coins the personification of friendship, loyalty, and love.
For over 15 years, Signature Coins has been making custom world challenge coins for nations all across the globe. Organizations commission custom coins for teams like military units, law enforcement departments, and corporations. World challenge coins are designed to incorporate team specific imagery that binds people together through shared experience and shared vision. Irish challenge coins represent heritage and important cultural values by honoring the groups of people and the natural wonders that have created the unique nation of Ireland.
What Are Challenge Coins?
Challenge coins started as a military tradition and have spread to all corners of team-centered activity. This includes sports teams, businesses, governments agencies, and more. Irish challenge coins are earned by supporting teammates, embracing the culture of an organization, and performing above and beyond the call of duty. Each is an instrument for building camaraderie through shared vision and experience.
Custom designs incorporate team emblems, logos, and mission statements. Every Irish challenge coin is carried as a mark of personal merit. When superiors hand them out, it shows gratitude for service and recognizes an individual's value within the team. Some of the organizations that commonly order Irish challenge coins include:
- Military Organizations
- Law Enforcement Departments+
- Fire Departments
- Colleges and Universities
- Corporations and Local Businesses
Police officers, firefighters, and members of public service carry challenge coins as a symbol of honor, commitment, and integrity. Schools use Irish challenge coins to promote school spirit and honor faculty. Businesses commission custom Irish challenge coins to build brand awareness and to mark important company milestones. The uses for custom coins is endless. Some of the locations that benefit from Irish challenge coins include:
- Dublin
- Cork
- Rosslare
- Belfast
- Galway
- Killarney
- Waterford
- Drogheda
- Boston, MA
Irish challenge coins are used to celebrate graduations, promotions, and retirements. Businesses use them to align team goals and to honor milestone achievements. Special dates, school mascots, department insignias, and city emblems are common aspects of design used to provide personal meaning to each Irish challenge coin. It just depends on the organization.
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St. Patrick’s Day Challenge Coins
And Challenge Coins For Traditional Festivals
St. Patrick was taken prisoner as a teenager and transported to Ireland. He stayed there for more than six years working as a shepherd. In his seclusion and loneliness, he turned to his faith for solace and eventually found the strength to make his way back to Britain. He walked 200 miles from County Mayo to the Irish coast and secured passage home.
Motivated by what he had learned and what he had seen, St. Patrick started religious training and returned in Ireland with the goal of spreading Christianity. Common Irish imagery like the Celtic cross and the three leaf clover used to describe the holy trinity, originate with St. Patrick. It is believed that he died on March 17, 461. All across the globe, this day has become a day to celebrate Irish culture and history and is known as St. Patrick’s Day.
Dublin hosts a multi-day festival celebrating St. Patrick’s Day every year. The goal of each celebration is to “reflect the talents and achievements of the Irish people” by displaying enthusiasm, creativity, and excitement throughout the city. Irish challenge coins represent the innovation, pride, and heritage that is celebrated in St. Patrick’s day festivals and other important festivals like:
- Uisneach Festival of Fire
- Kilkenny Arts Festival
- Carlow Garden Festival
- The Spirits of Meath Halloween Festival
- And More!
Irish challenge coins connect everyone of Irish descent and motivate the promotion of Irish culture. In the United States alone, there are 35 million people who claim to have Irish ancestry. Men and women from all across the globe travel to Ireland to learn more about their own family history. Irish challenge coins celebrate the lineage of families and capture the historical roots that have brought travelers back into their homeland.
Designing Irish challenge coins with artwork of family seals, coat of arms, or commemorative dates is a simple way to add emotional weight to each coin. The purpose of Irish challenge coins is to bring people together in celebration of the nation’s enthusiasm, creativity, and identity.
Irish challenge coins are created to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, to celebrate family reunions, or to hand out at local festivals and gatherings. They represent pride in country and are used to spread love and friendship through all people.
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Signature Coins
Ireland’s Local Source For Custom Challenge Coins

The tradition of Claddagh rings in Ireland comes with a specific set of rules. Women who are single wear the crown and heart of the ring facing outward on the right hand. To wear the ring on the same hand with the crown and heart facing inward means that the wearer is in a romantic relationship. When married, a Claddagh ring is worn on the left hand with the heart and crown facing inward. This means "Let love and friendship reign forever, never to be separated."
Designs for Irish challenge coins capture this same spirit and heritage. Carriers keep their coins close to their heart as a symbol of belonging and pride. Each is a mark of personal merit, of acceptance, and of achievement.
Signature Coins has over 15 years of experience creating original and compelling artwork for custom challenge coins. Our reputation as a trusted source of incredible craftsmanship and superior customer service is earned through dedication and integrity. Each of our clients receives signature services like:
- Free artwork
- Free quotes
- Free unlimited revision
- 100% satisfaction guarantee
Our team is capable of making your vision for a unique design come to life. Get started now by filling out an order form! A free proof of artwork will be ready for you within 24 to 48 hours. Thank you for choosing Signature Coins. We are excited to get started on your order of custom Irish challenge coins!