Custom Canadian Coins
Celebrating the Provinces and People of Canada
Canada is one of the largest countries in the world. Her people are spread out over a sprawling landmass reaching from the frigid arctic circle down to the largest demilitarized border in the world with the United States. With a reputation for being kind and hospitable, Canadians share a deep pride and appreciation for their great nation. Custom Canadian coins tap into the innate spirit of the country while celebrating the men and women who call Canada home.
Custom coins are used all around the world to build team unity, improve morale amongst workers, and align groups of individuals in support of a common goal. Whether issued to members of the armed forces, law enforcement officials, sports teams, or corporate employees, these special keepsakes are valued and highly prized by the people who carry them. Custom Canadian coins can draw inspiration from any of the 10 Provinces:
For over 15 years, Signature Coins has created custom world challenge coins and distributed them to nations across the globe. World challenge coins personify values like integrity and commitment. Each coin is a symbol of patriotic pride, of team spirit and of honor. When created in honor of the great nation of Canada, the coins also represent a sense of inclusion, belonging and unparalleled hospitality. To show off your pride in the northernmost country, give us a call or fill out the form on this page today!
Canadian Coin Gallery
Operation Impact 3D Gold Scorpion Coin
This 3D scorpion, with its scalloped tail, translucent red scales and protruding claws, shows just how creative our customers get when designing a custom edge for their challenge coins. The intricate caduceus over the translucent red Canadian maple leaf and the space for custom laser engravings on the back of the coin help this design make an even bigger impact.
Nexus Challenge Coin
The Canadian Armed Forces partners with the United States on all kinds of different operations, and the Canadian Armed Forces challenge coins will often celebrate the partnership between nations.
Canadian Garrison 20th Anniversary Challenge Coin
The Canadian Garrison of the 501st Legion ordered these coins in celebration of their 20th anniversary. The emblems of the separate units within the Canadian Garrison are included on the back of the coin.
Canadian Garrison 20th Anniversary Challenge Coin Side 2
The Canadian Garrison of the 501st Legion ordered these coins in celebration of their 20th anniversary. The emblems of the separate units within the Canadian Garrison are included on the back of the coin.
Vancouver Resident Office Challenge Coin
The Department of Justice usually has a reserved approach when it comes to challenge coin design, making the U.S. and Canadian officers riding a pair of killer whales on these coins a fun break from tradition. Creating custom challenge coins is a fun experience, and including a sense of humor in your design will make the final product more memorable and meaningful to the people receiving them.
TFEG Command Team Multi-National Observers
A symbol like the red maple leaf is common on Canadian challenge coins. What this coin does that's unique can be found on the back coin face. The collection of multi-national flags and the MFO logo are presented in great detail.
Canadian Armed Force Anniversary Coins Side 2
Military challenge coins are made to honor the service and sacrifice of soldiers and veterans. These Canadian Armed Forces challenge coins were created in honor of the organization's 180th anniversary. Having a space for sequential numbering also makes every coin unique.
IACA International Association Crime Analysis Coin front
IACA International Association Crime Analysis Coin front
IACA International Association Crime Analysis Coin back
IACA International Association Crime Analysis Coin back
Womens Personal Safety Team Canada Coin front
Womens Personal Safety Team Canada Coin front
Womens Personal Safety Team Canada Coin Back
Womens Personal Safety Team Canada Coin Back
Guard of Honor Canada Challenge Coin Front
Guard of Honor Canada Challenge Coin Front
Guard of Honor Canada Challenge Coin back
Guard of Honor Canada Challenge Coin back
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Side 2
A coin for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police making use of high polish gold plating seems fitting. And at 2.25", the size of this coin is something to reckon with.
Multinational Force and Observers Canadian Challenge Coin front
Multinational Force and Observers Canadian Challenge Coin front
Multinational Force and Observers Canadian Challenge Coin back
Multinational Force and Observers Canadian Challenge Coin back
Royal Canadaign Mounted Police Challenge Coin back
Royal Canadaign Mounted Police Challenge Coin back
3D Canadian Firefighter Coin
Faces are usually best created through offset printing, but when the image is more cartoonish in nature, 2D designs are more than suitable. This Canadian Fire and Rescue coin uses raised text in antique gold plating and complimentary enamel to bring its design to life.

Getting Started with Canada Coins
We’ve been honored to create custom challenge coins for the Canadian army, as well as law enforcement and first responders. Whether you’re looking for a commemorative design that honors the heritage of your nation or just something fun something that celebrates your team, we’ve got you covered.
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Civic Pride on a Smaller Level
Canadian coins celebrating the provinces and territories take a bigger more holistic look at the country. Celebrating the large sections of land that create the country carries its own elements of pride. For a more personal touch, someone creating Canada challenge coins might look to the cities that have made the nation what it is today. Civic pride is a layered and complex thing, and by celebrating specific Canadian cities, you create a more specific bond with the citizens who earn the challenge coins.
Canadian Armed Forces challenge coins are created for members of each branch of the Canadian military:
Customers who contact us to create their custom challenge coins are sure to receive a response with free artwork and a price quote for the project in no more than 48 hours from the submission of the request.
Canadian Challenge Coins for First Responders
Taking their cues from military challenge coins, first responder challenge coins exist to celebrate the people who put their lives on the line for their community. Police and firefighter challenge coins have been used to celebrate promotions, transfers to new units, retirements and countless moments of exceptional service. No city could operate without its heroic first responders, and yet it’s often a thankless position to have. The easiest way around that is to employ challenge coins as a way to say thank you.
Any law enforcement agency in Canada is free to partner with Signature Coins in the creation and delivery of custom Canada challenge coins including:
- The Ontario Provincial Police
- The York Regional Police
- The British Columbia Sheriff Service
- The Toronto Transit Commission Transit Enforcement Unit
- The Alberta Sheriffs Branch
- The North Bay Police Service
- The Halifax Regional Police
- The Canadian National Police Service
- Parks Canada Park Wardens
- First Nations Police
We make creating custom challenge coins easy!
But we would prefer you hear it directly from other customers 😉

History of the Canadian Police
First formed in 1920, the federal and national police service of Canada drew its roots from two different Canadian police organizations the Royal Northwest Mounted Police and the Dominion Police. These organizations were among the first policing organizations in Canada and many of the current symbols and iconic uniform elements have origins from these predecessor organizations. These organizations were charged with patrolling large swathes of newly gained territory and maintaining law and order within Canada’s borders. During its early days, the Royal Northwest Mounted Police used horses for their mobility while patrolling the Canadian wilderness.
Between 1932 and 1938, the organization grew from a force a little over 1,000 men to 2,350 members overwatching most of Canada including Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Today, the force numbers 28,000 members providing essential law enforcement protection to almost the entirety of Canada. Despite tname, the Canadan Police Force is no longer a horse-mounted division and functions much the same as most modern police organizations but taking on a much wider breadth of responsibilities and duties than most of their counterparts in the U.S. or around the world.
To cover all of Canada and provide localized law enforcement to the country, Canadian Police are organized under multiple divisions covering specific geographical areas. These include:
- The National Division - Covering Ottawa, Ontario, and Gatineau
- The B Division - Covering Newfoundland and Labrador
- The C Division - Covering certain areas of Quebec
- The D Division - Covering Manitoba
- The E Division - Covering British Columbia
- The F Division - Covering Saskatchewan
- The G Division - Covering the Northwest Territories
- The H Division - Covering Nova Scotia
- The J Division - Covering New Brunswick
- The K Division - Covering Alberta
- The L Division - Covering Prince Edward Island
- The M Division - Covering Yukon
- The O Division - Covering Ontario
- The V Division - Covering Nunavut Territory
Under these divisions, most Canadians will work with local detachments, located in most major population centers.

Challenge Coins for Canadian Police Leadership
The challenge coin tradition is a tradition adopted from U.S. militaries where they are commonly found in virtually every military and law enforcement organization. Unique challenge coins representing specific units of military organizations or law enforcement teams are a common facet but one of the most prized types of challenge coins are known as “commander coins.” These special challenge coins are commissioned by commanding officers and department chiefs to be given out to specific individuals or law enforcement members under them that have personally earned the respect or performed a great service.
Like their counterparts in the U.S. local departments or units within the Canadian Police commission unique challenge coins to represent their organization and mark outstanding officers in the organization. Some coins are given to officers who go beyond the call of duty in completing their responsibilities, other coins are devised as unit tokens for an entire group or team, and the organization also commissions challenge coins to commemorate events such as anniversaries or local holidays.
These coins are unique in that they most often feature unofficial emblems, mottos, and mascots that are not part of the official regalia. All coins depicting official RCMP emblems and seals must first be approved by the RCMP Foundation. (No endorsement is stated or implied).
- The Commissioner - Overall leader and commander as an organization
- TThe Deputy Commissioner of Federal Policing - In charge of Federal and International Operations involving the force itself well as both Protective Policing and National Security Crime Investigations.
- The Deputy Commissioner of Contract and Aboriginal Policing - In control of the Criminal Intelligence Directorate.
- The Deputy Commissioner of Specialized Policing Services - In charge of specialized police programs including the Canadian Firearms Program, Canadian Police Academy, and Technical Operations.
Other ranks below the overall leadership may also maintain their own challenge coins to honor the members who serve under them including:
- Assistant Commissioners
- Chief Superintendents
- Inspectors
- The Corps Sergeant Major
- Sergeant Majors
- Staff Sergeant Majors
- Staff Sergeants
From May to July of 2016, a wildfire raged in Alberta Canada. While the blaze did a record amount of damage and displaced a number of citizens, the outcome could have been far worse without the intervention of Canadian firefighters and soldiers. When the people needed, agencies such as the Canadian Armed Forces and provincial agencies banded together to render aid and keep the situation under control. Everyone working during the blaze earned their right to custom Canadian challenge coins.
Canadian firefighting agencies making use of custom challenge coins include:
- Toronto Fire Services
- Service de sécurité incendie de l'agglomération de Longueuil
- Canadian Forces Fire and Emergency Services
- The Ontario Fire College
- Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services
- Service de protection contre les incendies de Québec
- Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service
- Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency Services
Celebrating your valued first responders is as simple as giving us a call and letting our artists know what sorts of designs you’d like to utilize on your custom Canada challenge coins. If you’re not the most artistic, don’t worry, the team at Signature Coins has created challenge coins based off of nothing more than explanations and rough sketches on napkins. If you can dream it, we’re certain we can create it.
Signature Coins Spans From Sea to Sea

Signature Coins has been making custom challenge coins for over 15 years. We strive to be the best in quality and customer satisfaction in the entire challenge coins industry. We do this by offering competitive pricing, using the best available material, and training a friendly staff that can help you through the whole process. You can also expect to receive:
- Free artwork on every order
- Free quotes on every order
- Free unlimited revisions on design
- 100% satisfaction guarantee
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us. We would be happy to assist you! Thank you for choosing signature coins and we look forward to working with you!

Ready To Get Started?
When you are ready to proceed, use the convenient Order Form on our site to place your challenge coin order.