Supporting Our Troops
Small businesses and corporations find their own ways of showing support for the troops. Sometimes it’s as simple as the local barber offering discounted haircuts for veterans and other times it’s something on a much larger scale. The San Diego Padres, for instance, wear military-themed camouflage jerseys for every home game played on Sunday. Military members and their families get discounted tickets and certain proceeds from the stadium gift shop go towards military charities.Some companies like to create challenge coins themed around their products and include them with purchases at military exchange stores. A military exchange resembles an ordinary department store or strip mall and offers the same brands and services you would expect in a regular shopping center. They have special services and benefits exclusive to military personnel, families living on base and veterans. The challenge coins included with items sold through the exchange are designed to be a sign of support and appreciation for soldiers and their families.

Showing Support with Challenge Coins
Video game companies are one of the groups that like to include special collectible challenge coins with the products they know will be sold on military bases. Microsoft is known to give out custom challenge coins with their exclusive Halo titles, and Call of Duty games commonly have one as well. These coins are meant to honor our Nation’s troops and to convey appreciation for their service.Design elements for all of these coins are similar. Each one includes the game logo on the front while the flip side includes something specific to the military. A few include a collection of military seals on the back, while others have “Thank you for your service” printed along the rim of the coin. The purpose of these coins is not to entice soldiers to buy certain games. On the contrary, the intention for coins like this is to be a gift for the soldiers that buy their products.
Video game publishers are not the only ones creating custom military coins. We made these coins for the Chili’s restaurant on Kadena Air Force Base in Japan. Just like authentic military challenge coins, these are intended to show gratitude and honor to members of the restaurant and guests on the military base.

Sometimes movie studios get involved as well. These are just a few examples of coins created around a certain title and designed to honor the service members of our armed forces. These types of coins are collectibles and are only available at military exchange stores or military events, just like the video game challenge coins listed above.

Companies looking to show their support for the U.S. Military like to use challenge coins because of their popularity within every branch of service. Custom coins are relatable for soldiers and can be easily added to a growing collection. They are simple gifts, but every coin is a unique symbol of appreciation for a soldier’s courage and sacrifice.
Life On Base
Living on most military bases around the world is like living in a small town. There is neighborhood-style community housing and the exchange stores have all of the products a family could need at low prices. Movie theaters, gyms, restaurants, gas stations and even medical services like dentists and veterinary clinics are available as well. But there are inherent challenges facing military families that amenities like this cannot change.Soldiers attend regular training for deployment and are separated from their families for days or even weeks at a time. While they may still be on base, soldiers have little opportunity to see their spouses or children. And then there is deployment itself. It’s hardest for families with young children to have a parent deployed overseas for long periods of time.
All of the challenge coins listed above were created with the understanding that both soldiers and their families make sacrifices for our Nation. Like the many amenities created for the convenience of life on base, these coins have the simple purpose of showing support for our soldiers and their families. They are not meant to make facing the challenges of military life easier. They are created by the companies that want to show gratitude for their service.
If your company is looking to show support for our nation's troops, or maybe even to honor the veterans working on your team, check out Signature Coins and see what we can make for you!
Some Coins depicted in this blog were from: