Have you ever heard of challenge coins with removable golf ball markers? Well, if you haven’t, you’re in for a treat. Golfing enthusiasts don’t have to worry about lost golf balls positions on the green. In fact, with our help, they can create a one-of-a-kind gift to hand out to colleagues, friends, and family members who enjoy the sport.
Here’s how this unique product works. The main challenge coin has a magnet which holds a removable golf ball marker that can be used to mark a golf ball location on the putting green. This is a way for golfers to accurately keep track of their balls’ location on the green.
Challenge coins with removable golf ball markers are a great promotional item, especially in the golf industry. They can be sold or given away at special events and tournaments. They can even be used as fundraisers. This is especially helpful for youth golfers hoping to attend workshops and training camps.
That’s the beauty behind challenge coins. They are designed with our customer in mind. That means that anything is possible in regards to size, shape, style, color, and function. Golf ball marker challenge coins are every bit as functional as bottle opener challenge coins. Because they are so useful, these types of challenge coins are sought after.
Enhance your players’ games by ordering custom challenge coins with removable golf ball markers from Signature Coins.