Not Lost In Translation
In the United States, you don’t have to go far to find references to Latin. Odds are you can reach in your pocket, and pull out a crisp dollar bill, or maybe even a shiny quarter, and see the words E Pluribus Unum (Out of Many, One) printed in the artwork. This is the motto of the United States and is meant to call to mind how the states are separated, but together they make one nation.
There are more Latin phrases printed on our nation’s currency like annuit coeptis and novus ordo seclorum, which were chosen by the original designers of the great seal of the United States. Latin may be classified as a dead language, but it’s by no means unknown or unappreciated. Scholars continue to study Latin, zoologists and botanists use Latin to classify new species, and Latin is still the official language of the Vatican in Rome. It has an ancient, almost sacred, feel to it thanks to its place in antiquity. When it comes to designing custom challenge coins, people often find that it’s the perfect language to capture a meaningful message.
Latin Mottos on Military Challenge Coins
One of the most famous Latin mottos in the United States Military is the Marine Corps’ Semper Fidelis, meaning always faithful. Marines form unshakable bonds through training and service, and their motto, as well as their eagle and globe emblem, come to represent their connection to the long line of honorable service men and women in the Corps. Individual units of Marines have their own unique emblem and mottos, and sometimes these are chosen to create special unit coins. The Marines stationed at MCAS Iwakuni in Japan decided to include their own emblem and motto for their unit coins, instead of the traditional Marine Corps emblem.
![Marine challenge coin MCAS Iwakuni with latin phrase Marine challenge coin MCAS Iwakuni with latin phrase](
The phrase mori quam foedari inscribed on the banner below the wolf emblem translates to death rather than disgrace. It’s both an extension of the Marine Corps’ motto always faithful, and a reference to similar ideals found in their host nation of Japan. While the Marines are the only service arm with an official Latin motto, individual teams all throughout the military have their own unique mottos that they like to include in their unit coins.
![Army Special Forces challenge coin with latin phrase Army Special Forces challenge coin with latin phrase](
This arrowhead-shaped coin has the Army’s Special Forces emblem and Latin motto, De Oppresso Liber, pressed into the back of the design. It means to liberate from oppression and serves as a constant reminder of a special forces soldier’s mission. Like many custom unit coins throughout the military, this coin has a unique personality. The custom shape, unique artwork and complex coloring make it stand out from the crowd of military coins, but including the Special Forces insignia ensures there is a connection to all special forces teams in the Army.
Adding A Unique Twist to Your Custom Coins
Including Latin on any style of challenge coin is a fun way to make the design unique. This custom coin created for Diced, a small business in North Carolina, has the phrase Esse Quam Videri printed beneath the little avocado guy on the back. It means to be, rather than to seem.
![Diced employee recognition challenge coin with latin phrase Diced employee recognition challenge coin with latin phrase](
Diced is a gourmet salad restaurant, and these employee recognition coins are awarded to members of the staff who perform above and beyond the rest. The phrase was chosen for two reasons: one, because it’s the state motto of North Carolina and two, because it fits perfectly with the company’s dedication to transparency and healthy eating. They don’t just seem like a healthy choice for hungry patrons, they are a healthy choice that offers organic veggies and grass-fed filet mignon and antibiotic-free chicken.
Finding the right Latin phrase all depends on what you want to accomplish with the design. Many of our customers are inspired by the mottos of their home state or their military units, and sometimes by bible verses or other religious sayings. Other times, they find unique ways of including inside jokes, personal references or hidden secrets with Latin phrases. This transit police challenge coin has its own version of the famous English phrase included on all US currency, In God We Trust. The Latin text printed underneath the portrait of the German Shepherds, In Canis Nos Fides, translates to in dog we trust.
![transit police challenge coin with latin phrase transit police challenge coin with latin phrase](
Finding The Right Inspiration For Your Custom Challenge Coins
One of the best parts about being a custom coin company is the constant flow of ideas and inspirations sent in by our customers. We never really know what to expect, and that’s what makes designing custom challenge coins so much fun. Sometimes we help create text heavy coins and other times we craft designs with just a line or two. Messages are printed in every language from Latin all the way to the Aurebesh alphabet from Star Wars.
Next time you order a set of custom challenge coins, consider including a special message of your own. Latin has roots in all sorts of different cultures, but our team is happy to include any sort of text you think will make your design more special. We just ask that you help us double-check the spelling!