Despite having distinct military significance, challenge coins are highly regarded by customers from all walks of life including those who enjoy being a good sport on and off the playing field, court, and rink. That’s because the tokens of appreciation are personal and meaningful. Recipients know that they are receiving a real honor when they are awarded a custom challenge coin. It helps them strive to be their very best which makes them a valuable asset to their coaches, fellow players, and fans.
Coaches of all types of sports order custom challenge coins each season as a way of motivating their players to play fair and be leaders in their schools and communities. The small but memorable gifts give young athletes something to look back at whenever they want to remember their experience being part of a team. Because of their durable nature, challenge coins do not fade or deteriorate like many types of awards.
Challenge coins can be given away or sold at sporting events. This is a great way to promote team spirit. The money raised from selling the coins can help pay for uniforms, equipment, and out-of-town expenses at away-games and tournaments. This is a smart way to receive the funding needed to be a success.
Custom coins can be personalized in a number of different ways. They can feature a team mascot or emblem. The coins can also identify the school, the sport, the coach, the players, and even the city being represented as well as the current year. The more detailed the challenge coins are the more collectible they become. People love owning a piece of memorabilia.
Showcase your team’s talent by ordering custom challenge coins today. Visit, email or call 1-800-953-3607 toll-free to request a free quote. In addition to it, you will also receive free shipping on your order. This is just one of the ways that we show our customers just how much we appreciate their business in 2012.